Per goes into the wine business

November 1 Per Gessle is “releasing” two wines; Kurt & Lisa (named after his parents) and Furet (named after the neighborhood he grew up in.)

“The wines started out as being made exclusively for Hotel Tylösand but they turned out so amazing I wanted to have a go on the commercial market as well,” says Per. “They are yummy!” A comment from an experienced connoisseur indeed! There will be more wines added to The Per Gessle Selection every year Per lets us know.

Kurt & Lisa will cost 249 SEK (€29) at Systembolaget while Furet will cost you a humble 149 SEK (€17). Per adds that the wines are damned great and that K&L should cost the double. “At least!” Both wines may be ordered, by the bottle, from November 1.

2012-09-14T22:34:17+02:00September 14th, 2012|News|
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